What makes a SOMA Breath session with Sungee so unique and effective?
A SOMA Breath Meditation session will bing you out of your normal state of being, into a deep state and is designed to clear negative imprints and help you break free from the past, so you can be more present, in flow, liberated, and empowered to be the sole creator of your reality.
Powerful emotional releases can occur during SOMA Breath sessions and negative imprints from the past can be cleared.
“Divine downloads” or moments of deep insight and inspiration make the SOMA Breath experience truly unforgettable.
A session is usually between 1 and 2 hours and can either be in person, or via the internet using Skype or Zoom. In person is best!
Breathe in Beats
Rhythmic breathing is the foundation of SOMA Breath, and ‘breathing in beats’ with rhythmic music is what makes this techniques so unique and effective.
Groundbreaking Music Technology
Using special SOMA Breath Entrainment music technology, invented by Niraj Naik, a pioneer of therapeutic music technology, you can entrain your breathing to be smooth and rhythmic throughout your day, helping to give you better health and wellbeing.
Makes Meditation Easier & More Fun
Soma's proprietary musical method, tested in scientific studies, allows you to meditate easier and go even deeper into transformative states in a much faster time.
If you find meditating difficult or if you want deeper results quicker, then this is the perfect method for you.
Unlock Your Inner Pharmacy
You can use specific breath patterns for turning off stress, deep relaxation, deeper sleep, have more energy, create focus.
Soma Breath techniques powered by cutting-edge music technology are the key to unlocking your inner pharmacy.SOMA Breath techniques have the power to transform someone even down to a cellular level. SOMA Breath, considered as a whole, with its range of possible uses and applications, is a framework for total life transformation.
SOMA Breath is a holistic school and community. The SOMA Breath tribe is encouraged to network and support each other in their paths. Everyone is welcome to share and discuss new wisdom, knowledge, skills, and insights: we aim to empower each other as a global community of brilliant, creative minds, so that as the tribe grows, you do too!
SOMA Breath is a complete holistic system of Pranayama techniques, which can be arranged into different sequences depending on the type of workshop you are attending as well as tailored to your specific needs. There is no one size fits all, and we take into account the fact that everyone is different and requires different breathing techniques depending on their needs.
SOMA Therapeutic Breathwork techniques are the core Pranayama techniques that have the most scientific evidence to support their function.
On average people breathe 10+ breaths per minute. Very sick or highly stressed people breathe even more than that! Slowing your breath can help protect against disease, balance your emotions, and help you be more in flow state.

As a Hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapist as well as a Soma Breath Instructor, Sungee can help you gain clear insight on how to go about reprogramming yourself. How to make lasting changes for the better and implement sacred practice in your daily life.
Once you are aware of old unwanted programming that is holding you back or causing you pain, its actually quite easy to make changes.
With someone helping you focus your energy and attention where you want to go, and with the right techniques creating a state of being for deep transformation and healing, and calling in the help of the higher dimensions, it becomes a blissful experience !
Imagine having a daily practise where you powerfully remind yourself what you are working on, what is most important in your life right now and actively raising your vibe and steering your energy towards where you want to go with your life, while feeling great doing it !
Thats what is next for you if you: